For more than five years, CLdN Cargo has been active in Italy providing high quality intermodal
transport services to Northern Europe with their own fleet of 5,500 t r a i l e r – a n d c o n t a i n e r
units. Now further steps are taken to expand the Italian activities. Starting Monday February
14, CLdN Cargo launched its own intermodal rail connection between Rotterdam and Montirone
(Italy). The service will initially operate three times a week connecting CLdN’s own Rotterdam roro terminal with the MIS Terminal in Montirone, 13 km south of Brescia.
This intermodal connection will move CLdN Cargo’s own trailer and container equipment combined
with other types of equipment sourced by CLdN’s forwarding division.
The area of Brescia is ideally located for all northern Italian transports and offers quick connections
to the motorways and the main Italian cities. The MIS Terminal has been upgraded and refurbished
in 2021 to facilitate longer trains and increased handling capacity. ‘We are very proud to have
CLdN Cargo as one of the first clients of the MIS Terminal in Montirone. For us it proofs that the
20 million euro investment in the terminal pays off’, said a representative of MIS.